I may have to start a campaign fighting for the introduction of the Café Gourmand to the British café scene.
Common place in France, the Café Gourmand is the perfect compromise for the indecisive. For normally about six euros, you get a cup of coffee and a selection of mini desserts.
Two of my favourite cafés in Le Mans do excellent Café Gourmands. The first is Instant T, a very fancy (seriously, they take your coat and everything!) yet reasonable priced Salon de Thé with a view overlooking Le Man's impressive Gothic Cathedral. In this refined atmosphere, I enjoyed a delicious Chocolat Gourmand with a choice of 3 mini desserts from the menu. I chose a salted caramel rice pudding, a beautifully tart rhubarb crumble and a chocolate and salted butter tart. Delicious! I would also recommend the lemon meringue pie, which my Dad had, and I stole sneaky spoonfuls of. The other good thing about Instant T's chocolat Gourmand is that you get a jug with "top up" hot chocolate!
If you're looking for a café Gourmand in a slightly more relaxed setting, I would recommend L'Étage, a café inside the Doucet bookshop. Here you get 5 mini desserts, although this time you don't get to choose which ones. This gourmand is like a whole meal in itself, and the cakes are fantastic. Bring your favourite book and pretend to be a French intellectual.
L'Instant T- http://www.lemans.maville.com/restaurants-bars/restaurant/linstant-t-64087
L'Etage- http://www.linternaute.com/restaurant/restaurant/107248/l-etage-librairie-doucet.shtml
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