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Showing posts from April, 2017

Foodbanks: a vital step towards ending UK hunger

Several months ago, I watched the film, I, Daniel Blake and was horrified when one of the characters, a single mother, was skipping meals to ensure her children were fed. The family were referred to a foodbank  where they received emergency food but the mother was unable to access feminine hygiene products. This story really hit me because in a developed country like Great Britain, it is shocking that some women have to choose between eating and managing their period. Nobody should ever have to make that choice. This story reawakened my interest in foodbanks. I have been aware of their existence for several years, largely due to the excellent micro-play Britain Isn't Eating which I urge you to watch. Poverty doesn't just exist in distant lands shown on the news , it exists in my home country. In fact, thirteen million Britons live below the poverty line according to The Trussell Trust , the UK's network of foodbanks. People can find themselves in need of a food...

Is it a cake or a biscuit? This Jaffa Cake was undeniably a cake | Chapter One Books | Manchester

Why is it whenever someone opens a box of Jaffa Cakes, we have to have the old biscuit/cake debate? I assume this is just a fun British quirk that perplexes foreigners. However, I have discovered a Jaffa Cake in distinctive cake form at the wonderful Chapter One Books in Manchester's Northern Quarter. Chapter One is paradise as it combines my two loves, books and cake.  My Jaffa Cake was a wonder, a slice of delicate orange sponge with an orange curd centre and smothered in dark chocolate. There was also a lovely loose leaf tea collection. Unlike many bookshop cafés, the books and food are not separated but are blended seamlessly together. There are books all over the walls, bookcases dotted around and books even take pride of place on a picnic bench by an indoor fountain! One of my favourite parts of this space is a corner dedicated to typewriters in various states of repair, perhaps to inspire budding writers. The jumble of books and curiosity items provides lots of...