The Amphitheatre in Arles How are Romans, Van Gogh and Doctor Who related? Recently I rewatched an episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor and Amy meet Vincent Van Gogh. Even though it was probably filmed in a studio in Cardiff, I was inspired to visit the real place where Van Gogh painted many of his beloved paintings - in the gorgeous French town, Arles. My first impression of Arles was "Wow this is wet!" I'd picked a terrible day to go as it was pouring with rain. However through the sheets of rain, I was overwhelmed by the enormous Roman amphitheatre that dominates the town centre. It was the biggest building in Gaul and was used for gladiator fights. Nowadays it serves as a venue for bullfighting. Much as I loved the Roman Arena, I was eager to see the places that Van Gogh painted. I saw the yellow glow of the Café de Nuit and walked along the lantern lit river from The Starry Night. I visited the hospital where Van Gogh stayed and also strolled through a p...