We are constantly told on the news that we are living in an unstable world and all of these terrible events can sometimes make us feel disillusioned. However, if you are ever in need of a reminder that people are kind and are capable of wonderful things, head straight to The Dock Café - an honesty box café in Belfast. You may think that it's crazy to say a cup of tea can restore your faith in humanity but hear me out. The main principle of the café is that there are no prices. Visitors just make a donation for the tea and cake that they have consumed. An initiative based on honesty is such a unique and rewarding enterprise. The Dock Café is now in its third year of business so honesty clearly works. In fact, Rev. Chris Bennett, the chaplain who helped set up the café, believes that they are making more money through donations than they would charging £1.95 for a coffee. This unusual project is run by volunteers and a church group to bring together communit...